How to beat procrastination.

Before exploring ways to overcome procrastination, we should first understand what exactly is this phenomena and why do we find ourselves in this situation every time. Procrastination is mostly known as the act of putting off our work on purpose or not feeling like doing it. I’d describe it as a kind of mindset that’s…

Your time is now.

We live in world of “tomorrow”, a tomorrow that never arrives because there will always be another tomorrow until, one day, we die. Many people around us are the “I’ll do it later” type, but can we blame them when they are constantly surrounded by so many distractions? Our phones are always in our pockets,…

Don’t resist change.

We often resist change, whether it’s pleasant or painful, without even realizing it. However, it’s essential to recognize that change is necessary for personal growth. If you’re not changing, you’re not growing in life. Even if it’s difficult or unwanted, accepting change or actively working towards it can be immensely beneficial, particularly if you feel…

What are you pursuing?

Imagine we are having an informal conversation, and I ask you about your purpose in life and pursuits. You may respond with several different goals and aspirations, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that. However, it’s important to consider the underlying concept behind your pursuits and purpose. From a young age, we are conditioned…

Life is ephemeral, don’t forget to make the most of it.

What is the meaning of life to you? It sure does have different meanings for everyone as our life is not the same as others. But whatever definition you decide to give it, you need to understand that this beautiful fragile thing called life, is ephemeral. We do not realize that time goes by in…