The most powerful thing you could ever believe in, is yourself.

“Self” holds tremendous power, encompassing not only the will to make things happen but also its connection to nature and, most importantly, the universe. Many of us fail to realize that we possess the ability to ask for what we truly desire in life. The various distractions surrounding us, and societal norms often dictate our…

Dear Readers,

It’s been a while! I took a much needed vacation to visit my home and loved ones for a month. This reminds me of how I was preparing for my trip, all excited and impatient to meet my family. Now, that I am writing this blog, it made me realize that time flies by fast….

Live for the adrenaline.

You might be thinking about different types of activities when I say “adrenaline”. Well, I think about a lot of thrilling activities too, such as, skydiving. This has always been in my bucket list, even though I have not tried it yet, just the mention of it makes my adrenaline pump. But in this context…

Don’t resist change.

We often resist change, whether it’s pleasant or painful, without even realizing it. However, it’s essential to recognize that change is necessary for personal growth. If you’re not changing, you’re not growing in life. Even if it’s difficult or unwanted, accepting change or actively working towards it can be immensely beneficial, particularly if you feel…

Try being an early bird.

I know that most of us are a night owl and I was one too until recently as I am now working on becoming an early bird. Of course, it is not every time that you can wake up early and that’s okay because obviously balance is important. But if you manage to wake up…

What are you pursuing?

Imagine we are having an informal conversation, and I ask you about your purpose in life and pursuits. You may respond with several different goals and aspirations, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that. However, it’s important to consider the underlying concept behind your pursuits and purpose. From a young age, we are conditioned…

Life is ephemeral, don’t forget to make the most of it.

What is the meaning of life to you? It sure does have different meanings for everyone as our life is not the same as others. But whatever definition you decide to give it, you need to understand that this beautiful fragile thing called life, is ephemeral. We do not realize that time goes by in…

You are a piece of art.

Have you ever stopped to think about how much of a masterpiece you are? Every single one of us is a unique and beautiful piece of art, crafted by life itself. From the moment we are born, we start to create our own canvas, painting our lives with our experiences, emotions, and choices. And just…

It’s okay to say No.

We’ve all been there, feeling pressured to agree on some sort of decisions or plans that we are not up to but just for the sake of not disappointing others, we would say yes. At the end of the day, we disappointed ourselves. We prefer to choose someone else’s happiness over ours, sacrificing what we…