Life; a beautiful transient thing.

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that life is transient. Just take a moment to reflect on where you are now, and think about how far you’ve come since the days when you were just a 7-year-old kid playing hide and seek with your best friend. Time goes by really fast without…

The art of practicing patience: a guide to inner peace

In today’s fast-paced world, where everything seems to be moving at the speed of light, patience might feel like a forgotten virtue. But let me tell you, it’s a superpower that can bring you inner peace and success. So, let’s dive into the art of practicing patience and how it can help you navigate life’s…

The Power Of Thoughts.

Thoughts are the most powerful tool someone can use to change their life. Everything that we are today is because of our thoughts. All the things around us were once just thoughts which later became reality and turned the world into a better place for humanity. So, if you want to change your life and…

A memo to the self.

You are precious, and you are here on a purpose. While you are working your way to find that purpose, do not lose yourself, and don’t let anyone define you. Be brave enough to pursue your interests, love, and passions wholeheartedly. Be brave enough to choose yourself. Growing up, we go through different stages in…


One of the most important factors to focus on if you want to change your life for the better is habits. It’s the core of every remarkable change. In this fast-paced world, where time seems to slip through our fingers like sand, we often find ourselves seeking ways to become more productive, healthier, and happier….

Is there always a light at the end of the tunnel?

Step into the magical realm of movies and stories, where happy endings have captured our hearts time and time again. It’s only natural that we all yearn for our own version of a “happy ending,” but here’s the kicker – it might be an elusive pursuit. Why? Because, honestly, who’s to say where the ending…

The art of self love.

True love begins with yourself and radiates outwards touching every aspect of your existence. When I talk about “self-love,” you might immediately think of pampering your skin, putting yourself first, or changing your mindset. And you know what? Those things are important! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with them. But in this context, self-love means doing…

Procrastination, we’ve all been there!

We’ve all been there, right? Some of us end up there more often than we’d like, while others somehow manage to avoid the dreaded procrastination trap. It makes me wonder if there’s some secret to beating it and finally getting things done. But you know what? I’ve come to the conclusion that there isn’t. We…


In summer’s embrace, the roses bloom, Their petals unfolding, a fragrant costume. Colors vibrant, in the sun’s warm glow, A testament to nature’s radiant show. But as the seasons dance and play, Winter arrives, with skies of gray. The roses now face a bitter chill, Their vibrant beauty begins to still. Once vibrant blooms now…