You Can Never Have Everything Figured Out.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I used to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how I should plan my days to be more productive. But the more I try, the harder it gets to achieve my goals. It’s like chasing a cat that just keeps running away from…

AI and Creativity: Soulmate or Not?

What is Creativity? I believe that everyone holds a unique definition of creativity, even though the underlying concept remains similar. It involves expressing our authentic selves in diverse ways that contributes to the best interest of humanity and our selves. While there are many ways to express ourselves, creativity is often linked to art. Well,…

How to beat procrastination.

Before exploring ways to overcome procrastination, we should first understand what exactly is this phenomena and why do we find ourselves in this situation every time. Procrastination is mostly known as the act of putting off our work on purpose or not feeling like doing it. I’d describe it as a kind of mindset that’s…

Don’t give energy to resistance; here’s why.

Before delving into why we should not be giving energy to resistance, let’s first discuss what resistance is and where it originates. Many people are often unaware that they are in a state of resistance. Resisting something essentially means refusing to accept it and standing in opposition. Resistance can manifest in various ways and is…

“You will never be lovelier than you are right now” – Autumn.

“The leaves changed into their most beautiful selves and yet fell to the ground reminding us that no matter how beautiful things are, they need to end to begin end.“ Amidst the chaos of falling leaves, you are as lovely as you can ever be at this very moment. It’s something we often overlook –…

Your time is now.

We live in world of “tomorrow”, a tomorrow that never arrives because there will always be another tomorrow until, one day, we die. Many people around us are the “I’ll do it later” type, but can we blame them when they are constantly surrounded by so many distractions? Our phones are always in our pockets,…

Analog Solutions

Let’s talk about what is analogy first before going to the solutions. An analogy is a comparison used to illustrate the similarities between two things, revealing their figurative resemblance. The solutions I am going to provide below can be used as examples as well. There are different types of analogies, and in this instance, I…

The little progresses makes significant differences.

A year old you and this present you are so much different. The difference a year, month or even a day can make to us is definitely under our control. I will say, we are given this brand new day, it might be rainy or sunny but it’s up to us on what we decide…

Dolce far niente; the sweetness of doing nothing.

“Stop measuring days by degree of productivity and start experiencing them by degree of presence” – Alan Watts. Have you ever felt like you are falling behind? It feels as though everyone is in some kind of race, running toward the finish line, but we don’t know where the line is, how long it will…