

One of the most important factors to focus on if you want to change your life for the better is habits. It’s the core of every remarkable change. In this fast-paced world, where time seems to slip through our fingers like sand, we often find ourselves seeking ways to become more productive, healthier, and happier. What if I told you that there is a key to unlocking these aspirations, a simple but profound mechanism that can transform your life for the better? Habits are the tiny, yet mighty, building blocks of our daily routines. They are the autopilot mode that shapes our actions, choices, and behaviors, whether consciously or subconsciously. From the moment we wake up to the time we hit the bed, habits control a significant portion of our lives.

Think about it—as a kid, our parents would tell us not to hang out with a certain group of friends because they had a bad influence. Their negative habits could influence ours, so we were told to stay away from them. Adding to this point, our habits are also a result of our surroundings, including family, friends, a tribe, or simply a whole community. That is why it is crucial to know who we spend most of our time with. We should be investing our energy and time with those whose normal habits align with our desired behaviors and spending less time with those whose habits are the ones we are trying to avoid. Well, it is easy to say but complicated to do for most of us, right? That is exactly how habits work; they are not built in one night but require consistency.

Our habits provide a certain type of vibration; let’s look at a few habits that are considered bad and good, along with the types of vibrations they generate and their consequences.

Category 1: Procrastination, Laziness, Boredom, Unhealthy lifestyle.
Do these fall under good or bad habits for you? Undoubtedly, these are not the desired habits if you want to be successful, happy, and enlightened in life. In fact, they are contrary to what you should be doing. I do not blame you because it is very easy to munch on a bag of chips and binge-watch Netflix; the brain is flooded with dopamine, a chemical responsible for pleasure, which our body craves. But if you think about it, this only makes us feel good in the moment. It is far from the satisfaction and joy we get after putting effort into achieving something that makes our whole life better. These fleeting pleasures are temporary and take up most of our precious time, which we unknowingly or knowingly sacrifice for some sneaky little dopamine our brain releases.

Category 2: Principles, Discipline, Respect, Compassion, and Kindness
The point here is to be disciplined enough to follow your principles. When you have a set of discipline, you tend to form better habits, and trust me, these habits are life-changing. Motivation comes and goes, but discipline shapes your habits, which in turn helps you be consistent in your journey to unlocking your higher self. Who doesn’t want to make the most out of life? If you have been given this one life, why don’t you take the chance to unlock your higher self and see where it takes you? I don’t know the definition of “making the most of life” for you; I know it is different for everyone, and that is okay. But if it doesn’t involve improving your habits and incorporating the mentioned elements above, then you may doing it wrong. Life is short, and the more you give, the more you receive. If you do not have anything to give, then just spread kindness and compassion; that does not come with a cost.

It is certain that the habits mentioned in Category One consist of low vibrations. When your energies are low, you attract things that are not favorable but rather mentally exhausting, and they do not give you the outcomes you wish to have. Working on your habits to raise your vibration means you are trying to radiate high energy, which in turn attracts things on that level. Those outcomes are very satisfactory and worth the effort.

So, the real competition here is with yourself. You need to defeat your old habits if you genuinely want to make a change in your life. Stop hanging out with people who do not support the habits and lifestyle you are trying to build; this will only complicate and delay the process. It might be very easy to say ‘cut off people,’ but hard to do in reality. Actually, I will rephrase it; make it easier to cut off people and habits that do not support your growth. Life is short, and time goes by fast to care about how you make those changes, so just start doing it. Step on it, and you will eventually find a way for sure.

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