Is there always a light at the end of the tunnel?


Step into the magical realm of movies and stories, where happy endings have captured our hearts time and time again. It’s only natural that we all yearn for our own version of a “happy ending,” but here’s the kicker – it might be an elusive pursuit. Why? Because, honestly, who’s to say where the ending truly lies? It’s like trying to catch a slippery fish with bare hands. Sure, we can experience moments of pure joy, and happiness is undoubtedly within our grasp. But here’s the twist: happiness is incredibly subjective. What sparks joy in one person might leave another feeling indifferent. So, perhaps, the hunt should be about finding the light in the journey itself, rather than obsessing over an elusive destination.

Finding the light and what it means to each person differs for everyone, much like what I find beautiful may not be the same for you – and that’s absolutely okay. There are many things we can all relate to that bring equal satisfaction, such as money, status, respect, family, or simply enjoying a delicious meal. But you know what’s truly remarkable? The beauty lies in discovering happiness within the randomness of our daily lives. From relishing that first sip of morning coffee to sharing heartfelt laughter with a friend, these simple moments hold incredible beauty and magic.

But it can be exhausting to always try to find happiness because being happy has to come naturally from within rather than forcefully. So, it’s okay if you do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your journey, struggles, and beliefs are entirely unique, just like they are for everyone else. It’s all about how you define that tunnel – that’s what makes all the difference.

What if the tunnel is made of glass, allowing light to shine through? Imagine the excitement of seeking refuge within it during a rainstorm or amidst turbulent weather. Often, when we hear the word “tunnel,” our minds think about darkness and fear. And if that’s precisely what crossed your mind too when you saw the word in the heading, it highlights why we tend to search for light outside ourselves when, in fact, we have the power to bring the light right here, right now and the same applies to life. We are always seeking for answers when, deep down, we might already know them but we refuse to acknowledge it so we continue to rely on the actions of others because that’s what everyone has been doing. We try to belong to a tribe because it brings a sense of satisfaction. So, if everyone is in a dark tunnel walking to find the light at the end, we tend to do the same.

Why are we always searching for an end? It only brings desperation and suffering, especially during tough times. Having hope is good as it keeps us going, but if we keep obsessing over the issue, we get stuck in the same cycle. The answer to most of our problems, including mine, lies in accepting our current situation and working to improve it. In order to do that, we need to 1) accept the current situation 2) Take action to make things better, finding temporary solutions or ignoring what doesn’t need attention, and, 3) stop complaining about the problem. Many of us struggle with the last part, which leads to constant worry about the same situation..

Overall, it’s simple, don’t chase a happy ending, just work on being present and happy now. You have the power and ability to transform the tunnel into something you desire and bring the light now instead of waiting for the end.

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