Don’t resist change.

We often resist change, whether it’s pleasant or painful, without even realizing it. However, it’s essential to recognize that change is necessary for personal growth. If you’re not changing, you’re not growing in life. Even if it’s difficult or unwanted, accepting change or actively working towards it can be immensely beneficial, particularly if you feel stuck in your current circumstances. Doing so can help you discover your true purpose in life.

There can be various reasons why a person may undergo a change, such as a shift in their perspective on life, where they prioritize personal growth and focus on improving themselves spiritually and physically. During this process, we may have to sacrifice certain elements that do not contribute to our growth, from the types of food we consume to the people we surround ourselves with. Sometimes, we may even lose friendships along the way as they fail to understand the purpose of our change and take it personally. While there may be many reasons for losing a friendship, it could be because we no longer wish to surround ourselves with loud or gossiping individuals, or simply because we have outgrown them. If we try to fix a friendship solely due to attachment, we may be resisting change and refusing to accept the new era of our lives that could bring growth, knowledge, and opportunities.

When you begin to accept change, you start to see the world from a different perspective and recognize what’s truly important for you. We all go through different phases in life, just like the moon goes through phases, and each phase teaches us important lessons. However, if we fail to learn from those lessons and identify what needs to change in our lives, we will keep repeating the same patterns over and over again. It’s important to embrace change and use the lessons we’ve learned to grow and evolve. Although it can be scary, but it can also be liberating once you start to see the positive effects it has on your life. If you surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals, it can be easier to embrace change and continue growing.

As I mentioned earlier, sometimes we don’t realize that we’re going through changes, and we might unknowingly prefer to stay in the same situation, environment, or friendship that’s filled with drama, gossip, or doesn’t align with our beliefs and goals. The key here is to recognize when we’re changing so that we don’t resist it. When I say “don’t resist change,” I mean that it takes a lot of courage to embrace it, and that’s why it can be difficult to acknowledge. You might find it easier to conform and say yes to events or people, rather than constantly avoiding them because you don’t want to offend them. While it’s important to be kind, you can politely decline an offer or distance yourself from certain people who no longer share the same energy and beliefs as you. Ultimately, nobody really cares because everyone is busy with their own lives, and even if you’re being judged, you’re not losing anything because when you choose yourself and your happiness, you’re already winning at life. Whatever you do, people will always criticize, so it’s better to do something you love and get criticized for it, rather than doing the opposite. Acknowledge when your vibrations don’t align with someone for whatever reason, and take action to change the situation. That’s when you’re truly understanding that you’re changing and accepting it.

Now, let’s talk about how change actually happens. We’ve talked about the importance of accepting change and not resisting it, but change doesn’t happen for no reason or overnight. It’s an inner process that takes time, and we may not even be aware of it, but it’s happening. However, your life won’t change until you do. It all starts with you, and as they say, “I” is the most powerful word. We have the power to make a difference, change the world for the better, and fight against evil to let love triumph. So, everything starts with you. If you’re willing to change your life, it will happen, and you need to identify when it’s happening so you don’t unintentionally resist it.

The best things in life often happen when we least expect them to, and the same goes for change. Don’t be afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone because there’s a whole world waiting to be discovered. What we’re afraid of today can actually make us stronger, so whatever change you’re currently resisting or going through, just let it be. You’ll be delighted to see the abundance of knowledge, opportunities, and love that come with changes aligned with your purpose.

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